Monday, July 11, 2016

Summer 2016 so far....

Has been awesome! Its going to quick, I can hardly wrap my heard around the fact that it is almost mid July. End of June was great, we actually went camping with friends and the kids for the first time. After three years of not camping it was really fun to get back out there and do it again. It is different with the babies but they did really good. After reading a bunch of blogs on how to camp with toddler I think we had it under control. The best advice was actually setting up a second tent for toys, for the kid to play in or just keeping everything contained. We did this with a smaller tent we had and it seemed actually pretty helpful. Also just keeping kids busy, lots of hikes and exploring. I think the only lesson I would do different next year would be to bring lots of clothes that can get super dusty and dirty. With Kinsey still semi crawling, walking she was a little dust bunny.
That is also what is new she is officially walking, running and dancing. I was in Boston for work a few weeks back and I came home and my baby no longer is a baby crawling. I now have a walking toddler. Wow. Where did this last year go? Boston was awesome, wish I would have had more time to explore but it was amazing. I actually ran a 5k when I was there and got my personal best time ever, which is a great feeling. Lots more going on this summer, more trips planned including an international jaunt over to London and Scotland at the end of this month. I can't wait, my Mom is coming in to watch babies and we are so excited to go explore.
Loving summer time and watching my babies grow!

The Whites

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