Sunday, October 30, 2016


Halloween with kids is the best. No doubt about it, they love the costumes, the decorations and of course the candy! Its been a good month for us after starting out the months with lots of traveling, I was in Portland the first weekend and Bren was in San Francisco the second week we have finally had some down time. Although the travel schedule and holiday season picks right back up in 2 weeks again and this time goes through 2017. We ended September by welcoming our new nephew baby boy Griffin into the world. He is such a sweet, snugly baby. It was also fun this month because both Tom and Kathy came to town to meet the little man but also we had our nephew Owen and my Brother Ross in town for a weekend too. Always fun spending time with family. We even got a short visit from the Puffs as they were passing through to Nevada.
This weekend has been filled with lots of Halloween parties, one yesterday, another today and trick or treating tomorrow. Toddlers are doing well, Q is slowly adjusting to the big boy bed and Kinsey is getting a whole mouthful of teeth these days. The two have really started to play together which is adorable, often reminds me of two rolly, polly wiggly, wrestling puppies. November is going to go quick and I can't wait for some snow and getting the babies out on the hill!

Life is good!
the Whites

Our Seahorse and Dinosaur

Fall Baking with Mama

The G baby!

Too adorable

A sunrise the other morning

With Poppa T

My nephew Owen

Bren and Ross

At the aquarium

Carving pumpkins

The results