Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Break a Leg!!!

 What’s new with us? I missed March for blogging because we were busy, out of the last 6 weekends we have had family in town 4 of those weekends. So awesome to be able to share what we love here with our loved ones. Lots of skiing, great conversations, yummy meals and just a good time. 

April has started out with a bang with the lovely pistol Kinsey breaking her right leg. We were at our local neighborhood playground last Wednesday night with my parents and out of the blue she stepped off of a high ledge about 5-6 feet off of the ground. For all the times we have played there, I was stunned because she had never done something even close to that. Fortunately she landed on her feet but we knew right away something was wrong because she wasn’t putting weight on her right foot. She has been dancing, walking and running everywhere so to see her want to crawl we knew it was trouble. Off the ER mom and daughter went to find out she does have a buckle break on her tibia. We will be getting her casted this week because of the swelling.

Just as she did when she was born she loves to align herself for my really, really busy work events. About twelve hours later we were packing up the car to go to St George for my spring conference. I am in charge of every detail and the events so I had to be there. Luckily my parents were in town this whole week so they were able to take good care of her. Funny enough, even a broken right leg hasn’t slowed her down and she is still hobbling around. I think we are in trouble for the future since she is that big of a daredevil even before being 2!

Quinn is good, talking up a storm. The other day he listened to my heart and then informed me that I had chicken in waffles in my heart. Pretty hilarious conversations we have. Thank goodness we have a little book where we write all of these gems down. Still struggling to keep him in his own room at night but we are getting by. Some weeks I feel like a new born parent again but I know once you have kids as a mom you always then sleep with an antenna up.

2017 is going to be the year of traveling. Bren and I decided we want experiences and travel. We have three international trips planned, Costa Rica, Ireland and Paris at Christmas. We can’t wait, we are also starting to work on planning a Brecke family trip to Norway in 2018. I don’t know if it’s going on mid-thirties or what, but lately we both have been taking a step back from our crazy, crazy lives and asking ourselves what we want. What kind of relationship do we want? What kind of life do we want to live? Is my job rewarding? am I happy with my day to day life? Looking further into these questions we have had some interesting and at times hard conversations. Nobody said being adult gets any easier. I do think you do have choices and you can choose to stay positive and you can change what isn’t working. For us its keeping the focus is on our little family of 4, having a happy marriage and raising these two lively babies. I think as a married couple take the trips and hopefully pass on a love of wanderlust and adventure to our kids.

Excited for my birthday month, warmer days ahead and Utah summertime!


The Whites