Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Me oh My oh May!

Its May 31st and it wouldn't be this time of year for me without at least one panic attack and some serious stress. Welcome to the season that I work up to all year long, annual convention...
By some miracle we beat last years numbers for attendance and sold out our exhibit hall. I didn't expect that since I credited a lot of last years success to our state licensing board doing an audit year but our education committee did it again and its going to be huge. Part of me right now thinks I shouldn't be writing this blog post and instead should be working but I feel like if I don't take some time for myself or my family this job will burn me out quickly.

Its been a good month for us, April ended with our Presidents club to trip to Costa Rica. How can you complain celebrating your birthday in such a gorgeous part of the world. It was amazing, even including the black eye I got trying to learn to surf the morning of my birthday. It was a really, really relaxing trip for both Bren and I. We also felt like it was just the "reset" we have needed over the last year. Both of our favorite excursion was the catamaran boat cruise we took to a private island, so nice with the wind, sunshine and ocean. When we got home it was full steam ahead for Bren for training for the Iron Horse bike race in Durango on Memorial day. Lots and lots of two a day rides for him to get prepped and ready to roll.

He is amazing and finished it last weekend and we continued the awesome tradition of being in Durango with friends. It is amazing after 5 years with the Mays and Hallocks watching our kids grow up together is priceless. There are 6 kiddos all around and they stay pretty busy together. It was also cool because us girls got to go biking, do some shopping downtown and then the 6 adults managed to have dinner together Sunday night thanks to the Zane and Sara getting a babysitter. That adult time catching up was probably my favorite and made me sure miss not having all of us in one place again.

Hard to believe this Sunday our sweet girl Kinsey Kay of the Milky way will be 2 years old. She is just hilarious these days with her antics, giggles, deep conversations (we don't know what she is saying yet but it is serious and intense) and stubbornness. We are having a Frozen party and will have an Elsa princess come visit too. Seems fitting for the little girl whos first words were "Let It Go". I don't have babies anymore and instead have toddlers and little tiny humans who we love so much it hurts.

On to the summer which means lots of porch sunsets, pool time, biking and grilling. Can't wait!

The Whites