Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Background Story and Some Big News

We decided to finally share a chapter of our lives that I have never included in this blog but many of our family and friends have been apart of for many years. I don’t think up to this point I was ready to put it all out there but I think the right time has finally come.
Brendan and I have been together for almost 12 years now and married for almost 4 years. Like all couples after marriage we thought about the next big step in life was to start a family. Throughout your whole life you always think having kids is so easy and the minute you actually try, it will happen. Fortunately for some people this is very true, unfortunately for us this was not the case. Most everything else in your life you have some control over, you go to college to get a good job, you save money for a nice house, this was the first time we had no control at all.
After not getting pregnant for some time in Michigan there were a lot of doctors appointments, frustrations and some missed diagnosis as well. We lived our lives and continued on by moving to Utah. Funny enough had we had a child by this point I don’t think we would have been able to pursue Brendan getting his MBA here and moving to Utah.
 Finally after moving and visiting more doctors in Utah and rereading records the University of Utah gave us some answers. We were indeed infertile and specifically linked to myself (Alyssa) being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. With this diagnosis of PCOS the chances of us getting pregnant without the assistance of medications were extremely slim.

I was given some medications prior to starting a first regiment to prepare my body for what was to come. You could imagine our surprise when in the fall of 2011 when we went to a doctor’s appointment and he did an ultrasound (this is pretty much standard with every infertility appointment, I have had well over 100) and told us we were actually pregnant without any of the serious medications. We were shocked and delighted, of course this was going to work out, we weren’t going to need anything more! The doctor wanted us to come back in a week just to verify a heartbeat and all was well. Being the usual optimistic us we were positive that finally our prayers were being answered. On Halloween a week later we were devastated when we returned and there was no heartbeat and the pregnancy was not progressing at all. Another week passed and the pregnancy was deemed unviable and the miscarriage proceeded. I don’t quite know how to describe the place we were in our lives at that point, I think I became numb to it all, and my poor husband was helpless. You hear all these stories from women at how common it is especially for a first pregnancy and not to be discouraged, it wouldn’t happen again.

After healing we picked ourselves up and tried again. We never had the same success as we did that very first surprise but we started experimenting with lots of different fertility drugs and combinations. Anyone who has experienced this knows between all of these factors it is a consuming journey.  Also none of these doctors appointments are covered by insurance, money becomes tight as well. You see why some marriages cannot survive infertility unless you have a sense of humor about the whole thing and can try to lighten things up. So I occasionally became the incredible hulk with Brendan laughing at me saying “ALYSSA SMASH”. 

Finally in March of 2012 we found out we were pregnant again. I went in to do the blood work and everything was on track. My numbers doubled in 48 hours and everything looked like this was happening. We thought for sure this was our pregnancy because most women don’t have two miscarriages in a row. Being as positive as we were we told all of our family and friends and celebrated. Less then a week later, I had miscarried again…
We were shocked, horrified and so very angry. I was in a very dark place with bitterness to why this journey was happening this way and why this was happening to us.  Like all people you can sit there and bemoan your bad luck or cross to bear but at some point you need to pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Lucky for us between friends, faith, coworkers and family we were able to do this. A lot of hot, angry tears were spent at this point and frustrations at why us but I guess why not us, right?

Two miscarriages put me in a different category and also diagnosed with the possibility of reoccurring pregnancy loss. We tried again for a few more months before taking some time off to allow my body to reset. We tried again and I literally quite responding to any pill form of medications. I was on the highest legal dose possible (you know it is high when the pharmacist will not fill it without calling your doctor to verify it is correctly written). Nothing happened.

 It was time for a more expensive road by switching from pill medications to injectable medications. Not only are injectables liquid gold (usually between $300 and $500 a vial, you usually need more then one vial) but has to be monitored extremely closely with a lot of pay-out-of pocket doctor’s appointments. You usually see the doctor for an ultrasound 3 to 5 times per round to get everything timed just right. The first round everything looked on track but we didn’t get pregnant and we decided to up the medication dose slightly and try again. The second round was a nightmare and my body over responded, everything was halted and the whole round canceled. We were devastated because it was literally like watching a pile of cash being thrown out a window. So we adjusted the medication and tried for the third and final round at the end of April.

So, here we are into July and we are PREGNANT! Many prayers have been answered because this sweet baby has a strong heartbeat and we have finally made it through first trimester. We are due on January 22nd 2014 and everything so far has been on track. Still cautious as ever but we think we might be finally getting our take home baby to start our family.

I wanted to share this chapter in our lives because I know that there are a lot of other couples out there who have experienced similar journeys to us and I think it is important to take the shame out of infertility and miscarriages and let them know they are not alone. Every time you see pregnancy announcements on Facebook you are always so excited for the couple and would always wish the best for them but there is this longing for your own situation and journey and sometimes it is nice to know there are others on this journey as well and it will all work out.

Brendan, Alyssa and Baby White

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