Friday, September 14, 2012

September 2012

I love fall, its my favorite season. I know a lot of people don't enjoy it as much because it means winter is on it's way but winter means snow and Christmas, Love it!!! My good old dodge stratus hit 203,000 miles this week and has been like a cat with nine lives. Brendan and I have known for awhile that we would need to get me a new car before this winter, we finally did it and bought a new car. We got a good deal on a Mazda CX5, it is a small SUV with great gas mileage. Since we have a 10% mountain grade to get to our house a four wheel drive was a requirement, with how much driving I do for my job good gas mileage was also high up on the list. We looked at a few different cars but I really liked the Mazda because I did not feel like I was driving a boat. I love it, it's nice having a reliable, safe car.
We are really excited because next weekend Brendan's Mom, Aunt and Grandparents all come to town.  We are so excited to show them our house and just enjoy their company. This weekend should be great, delicious dinner in the crock pot and some gardening in store! Love being a home owner!!

Alyssa and Brendan

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