Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Two Weeks Away

Its so crazy to think that in two weeks I will be back up at the Zermatt getting ready for our HUGE convention for work. It takes event planning to whole other level because it goes on for 4 days with large events each day and over 400 people who have flown in from all over the country for this. I am responsible and in charge of it ALL. I have been surprisingly not super anxiety filled about this, how could it get any worst case scenario them me going into labor up at the Zermatt last year and missing everything. I am sad that I won't be waking up to see my sweet baby girls face on her first birthday but she will be up there later that evening for the picnic, we can convince her its a party for her!
This summer is jam packed for our family but we are pretty excited. Since both kids are older we feel like we might get some more hikes in, lots of pool time (Quinn starts swimming lessons) and some camping. We also have started planning a trip to Scotland and London for mid summer too that should be incredible.
Bren has been good and has been under a lot of stress at work but handling it all like the champ he is. You know you picked a winner when he is at work until 8pm (he had a work dinner) then gets home puts his grubbies on and starts working on his car because there was a bolt missing on his tire. The fact this sexy man of mine can do all of it and still snuggle his babies makes my heart sing!
Just like I enjoy putting up my Christmas decorations on black Friday there is something that truly marks the beginning of summer like planting your summer planters. I did this last week and so enjoyed digging in the dirt and planting some good stuff. We had gorgeous weather Friday and Saturday and the whole family got to enjoy hanging out in the backyard. Can't wait to see what we get up to this summer.

The Whites

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