Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Guess what, big news! We are having a.....

He's going to be a big brother!

Little girl! Yooohooo, I have been so excited to finally share this exciting news on our blog! After all the issues we had with infertility and getting pregnant with Quinn, here is the old blog post if you would like to read it: We didn't know what kind of journey we would be going on to possibly have another baby. We decided because of the amount of time it took with Quinn and also wanting hopefully any other kids we have to be close in age to start sooner then later. We still had to have lots of help with injections (my PCOS was described as some of the most severe my doctor has ever seen even post pregnancy) but fortunately this time the very first round took!
We wanted to wait to make it social media official until we knew the sex. Today we went and had the ultrasound and found out that we are having a little girl. We are absolutely over the moon with this and very surprised. On my side of the family there are six other little boys including Quinn, this is the first girl. I love my growing family and really would have been happy either way but I am so excited for all the pink, tutus, princesses and barbies!
Someone loves their fat cat Bjorn

Quinn with his Buddiy Kaylor on the first night he walked

The other really exciting news was Quinn started officially walking. He turned 11 months old on Monday and he had taken a step here and there but not actual walking. When we were over at our friends Sara and Zane's house, he finally did it. We are so bummed because they are moving to Colorado. Their house was emptied out and with all the space we all watched as he took a solid seven steps towards me. It was a night of happy tears he walked and sad tears too saying goodbye.

It has been a great December so far, I have really felt like we have enjoyed the season. Bren and I went to see the Nutcracker two weekends ago and last weekend we saw the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas concert. We are excited for Quinn's first Christmas and all that 2015 holds.
Baby girl White's due date is June 15th, 2015

Brendan, Alyssa, Quinn and Baby Girl

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Wonderful Weekend

What a nice long weekend we had to celebrate Thanksgiving and welcome in Advent/Christmas. This year was a little different for us because the Mays have moved so we had our own first thanksgiving here at our house with Charlie and Julia. Both Bren and myself enjoy the tradition of getting up and getting exercise before the big eating day. I ran a self made turkey day 5k around my neighborhood and Bren managed to get some road biking in. We had exceptionally nice weather with it around 50-60 degrees all weekend. I got all of my timing right and made my first Turkey. I followed a barefoot contessa recipe and was thrilled with the results. I am convinced Ina Garten does not have a single bad recipe, literally everything I make from her always turns out amazing. Charlie and Julia came over in the afternoon and we had an early yummy dinner. I was just thrilled all the food turned out yummy.
All of my shopping was done prior to thanksgiving this year and I have found I really enjoy the holiday season if I am not stressed and can just take it all in. We continued our "black friday" tradition of staying in and decorating the house. I used to love "black friday" when it was actually 6am on Friday but since it has started to creep on to Thanksgiving I refuse to participate. Having worked retail I think it is gross that stores are open and much less people actually visit them on a day when people (everyone) should be enjoying time with their families and loved ones. Honestly if your a true shopper get online the sales are always better and your not denying anyone time away. Or get a seasonal job in retail and work one holiday and you will understand why I take issue with this. We managed to get all of the decorations up and have a nice dinner with our little guy too. I cannot believe he will be one in January.
We really had a good weekend and now are looking forward to the quick month of December, in no time a MN Christmas will be here and we will also be enjoying Quinn's first Christmas. We can't wait!

Alyssa, Bren and Q

Some pictures from this fall

Friday, October 31, 2014


Wow what an overwhelming and crazy month. By the end of this weekend it will mark the third weekend in a row that Quinn and I have not slept at home and also mark his 16th flight in his just nine months of life. No one can say we don't make an effort to get out with this baby. The month started great when we had some friends over for a fall party. It was kind of hilarious because literally almost everyone had a kid or baby with them. Different stages of life, first everyone gets married then they all start having kids. I like it, lots of celebrations this month. We celebrated two weddings this month one a few weeks back our friend Sara and also one this weekend in Florida Brendan's cousin Andrews wedding tomorrow. We also celebrated my amazing Grandma Irene and her passing. At 102 it was a celebration of a life lived overflowing with grace and enthusiasm. Quinn and I flew home and got to meet and see lots of the Brecke clan. We celebrated his first Halloween today by dressing as puff the magic dragon for the puff wedding rehearsal dinner. He has been a trooper through all this traveling and sleeping in different time zones. The little guy is so close to walking and in turn keeps getting bumps and bruises from his attempts at balancing. Sure do love him and all of our wonderful family. In a way it feels a little like Christmas came early this year for all the time we have gotten to spend with our amazing loved ones. Can't wait for Christmas either, I will try to do a post before turkey day!
Bren, Alyssa, Quinn 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday Morning

I am currently snuggled up in bed with a fat  cat curled next to me and rain drizzling outside.  Still missing that puppy a lot too. Despite a head cold and gloomy weather , I have been laying in bed this morning feeling so happy. My handsome husband woke up with little boy this morning and I can hear them playing, giggling and Daddy reading him books. Is this for real?  He really is such a great Dad and a wonderful husband.  Despite September being a hard month I feel like we are finally turning a corner into October.  I love fall all the Halloween decorations, apple or pumpkin spice everything and making some of my favorite comfort foods.
Little monkey is growing up fast, he has two teeth. Teething is not fun it is usually accompanied by fussiness, no appetite and yucky diapers. He is also pulling himself up on everything and really exploring. Might need to finally baby proof the doors and drawers this weekend. They just came in to snuggle me, I need to go :)
Bren, Lyss, Q

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ode to Oscar

I still feel like writing this whole entry feels very surreal. What a month it has been, a really terrible month actually. I usually try to always put a positive spin and view on everything but sometimes I just think you need to embrace the idea that its not always roses and sunshine. Just short of two weeks ago we lost a member of our family. Our sweet, forever puppy Oscar.

Oscar was actually Bren’s birthday gift for his 20 or 21st Birthday, we still debate this point. What an adorable puppy we brought home that day, all wrinkles, soft, wet nose and huge paws. We did the “anti-runt” theory and bought the dog with the biggest paws thinking he would be healthy and not deal with the usual Olde English Bulldog health issues. He had a tough upbringing with Bjorn the wrestling cat, those two would wrestle and always romp around the house with each other. Half the time it felt like having kids and saying to the other one quit picking on your brother. They would also work together ala’ Garfield and Ode style to scheme to get the Cat to push food off the counter only to have Oscar break through the packaging to get to the goodies.

Oscar was such a personality. If you had met our dog I can pretty much guarantee you never forgot him. Between all of his wrinkles and personality we were always convinced he was a Pinocchio puppy. He really didn’t know he was a dog, he always thought he was a little boy. When our little boy Quinn came into this world Oscar just seemed to think he got lucky with a little brother he loved. He wanted to play and be apart of anything Quinn was doing. When I was home on maternity leave, I would put Quinn on a blanket to play and I would do the same with Oscar.
Oscar had a great life, he was such a big part of both Brendan and I’s twenties. He had lived with us in Washington, Michigan, Minnesota and Utah. We met life long best friends through him and at times he was our only friend when we moved to new places. Losing him was a little like closing a chapter in our lives. You could always count on him to wag his little gas cap tail when you got home, and nuzzle into your ear and neck if he got the chance. He truly was a wonder puppy living with epilepsy for over seven years and even one time eating rat poison and not getting sick.
Saying goodbye was terrible but peaceful in the same sense. I know he knew he was so loved and he loved us. I truly believe someday he will be there and the first to greet us when we go to heaven. Dogs are something special, love your animal a little more tonight and don’t take for granted all the unconditional love they always return to you.


Alyssa, Bren, Quinn and Bjorn Kitty

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Labor Day

I think I will always have a special place in my heart for Labor day since literally six years ago Brendan proposed to me at Canada Creek in Michigan. We had such a great weekend when he proposed not only did we pop champagne, eat chocolates and celebrate with Bud and Barb in Canada Creek but then the whole weekend was topped off by an amazing weekend at Makinac Island with Enmark. I love Utah very much but Labor Day always makes me sentimental for the midwest and that last closing weekend of summer in Minnesota and Michigan.
Life has been good, we have been busy but great. Lots of changes in many aspects of life. We celebrated our 5 year Anniversary earlier this month. We are not huge Anniversary people but we try each year do some what the "traditional" gift. Five years is wood so we debated between doing a custom wood front door and planting a tree. Since 2014 was a big year all around with Quinn being born we decided on the tree. This last weekend we bought and planted a gorgeous tree in our backyard in honor of both occasions. I am excited to watch this tree continue to grow with our lives. We will still hopefully get our custom front door someday too. The garden also finally got completed this weekend with variegated iris and bearded Iris being planted. All that is left is planting a few daffodil bulbs and covering everything with mulch. I am so proud of the green thumb I have gotten this last summer. Next summer will the big project of the back yard and taking that on.
At the beginning of this month we had a great trip back to MN to spend lots of time with family. I love how our family get togethers have turned from adult affairs into full on chaos and kids everywhere. Nothing can make my heart more full or happy. We also had the Uebels here to visit in July which was awesome, I wish we could just transplant all of our favorite MN friends and family here to Utah. All my little monkeys (the hockey team of nephews) continuously crack me up with the things they come up with and their love for my little boy too. The Brecke family is a pretty sweet clique to be in. More trips are coming along in the next few weeks Colorado to see the Mays, Michigan for a shower and Florida for a wedding. We can't wait!

The Whites

Monday, July 7, 2014

Red, White and Blue!

Fourth of July was a great weekend for us. Bren's Aunt and Uncle Brian and Carmen came to town to meet Quinn and spend time with all of us. We had a really nice time, on the actual fourth we went to our community pancake breakfast and then ended up just hanging out at the house enjoying the very entertaining Quinn. He is now at a stage where he is almost crawling, instead he army crawls, rolls or bulldozed (butt up, head down) to wherever he wants to go. We also managed to make it up to Park city when they were here and also to downtown. It was really nice. Fireworks from our patio will never get old. Our weekends have continued to be pretty busy with finishing up the garden and side of the house work. We finished our planting by getting honey suckle in on the side of the house, a peony bush and some fresh herbs like basil and mint. We are having a heat wave now so I we have been watering a lot in order to try and keep everything alive. The last of the yard project that if left is planting some iris, getting mulch on everything and hopefully planting a tree. Bren really wants to plant a tree this year because Quinn was born so we can watch as it gets bigger and bigger each year and remember that it was planted the year he was born.
Parenthood continues to delight us in how much Quinn just keeps changing and learning. I know other parents go through this but it is truly astounding to watch how babies brains just start making all of these connections and suddenly their motor skills, recognition and so many others basic skills start working. We continue to keep him busy with biking, picnics, playing on the swings and in the pool.
Hopefully the second half of the summer will continue in great weather and enjoying family weekends and friends. Hoping to maybe make it to MN in August. Life is good :)

Alyssa, Bren and Q

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fathers Day

Exciting weekend celebrating Bren's first official fathers day. The only bummer is it was really cold today but we are hoping it warms up tomorrow and we make it down to the pool. Life has been good, we met some new awesome neighbors, had Sara's baby shower and they had their baby Mr. Kaylor.
Our big project for this summer has been redoing our gardens. When we moved into the house almost 2 years ago the front garden was nice but it just wasn't my exact pick of flowers. My mothers day gift was putting the edging in and redoing the whole front garden. We had some wonderful help from our amazing friend Steve who helped me make a layout of what to plant where. After we put in the edging came the fun job of digging all of the bulbs and everything else out. When that was done I did the planting in two stages, the first with what was available and this weekend with what was remaining. I finished up today and am really excited for what it looks like right now but also what it will look like next year since I pretty much planted all perennials. What is left is our rocky terrain and putting in some nesting spruces and succulents, the side garden with some peonies and hasta and finally the backyard to plant a tree and some yummy flowering shrubs. Hoping to get it all down this summer but if not we can work for next summer too!
Quinn has been great he will be 5 months tomorrow. He is a big boy in all 6-9 month clothing, holding his bottle and rolling all over the place. I have a feeling that in the next 3 weeks he will be crawling since he keeps doing the rump in the air wiggling forward motion. It really does just get better and better. He helped me with Fathers day cards and got his daddy a good new book. We have been celebrating a little all weekend.
Sara's baby shower went great, Lexi flew to town and co hosted it with me. Despite me not feeling 100%, everything went wonderful. Our timing could not have been better since Sara had Kaylor less then a week later.
We got a bike trailer that Quinn can ride in behind my road bike. We had it out last weekend and it was a lot of fun. It was really nice to be able to ride with Brendan. Up to this point anytime we went to the park we took turns riding and running with the stroller. Some great summer weeks and weekends ahead. Uncle Brian and Carmen are coming out for the fourth to meet Quinn and spend time with us. All is good!

Enjoy some pictures below!
Before shot as we were ripping everything out

Half way there....

Front is complete except for the variegated Iris

New bike trailer

Quinns Fathers day gift; Crocodaddy book!

Helping Mom!
Gorgeous friends and a lovely Mom to be!

Bren, Alyssa and Quinn

Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Day = Home Improvement Black Friday

I miss the Memorial days of the past when in MN it would seem everyone would pile into a car and drive 2 to 4 hours north to the lake. The weather alway varied but it was always a good weekend and usually the beginning of summer.
Its crazy to think that we are about to embark on the summer of 2014, our community pool is opening this weekend and the weather is slated to be gorgeous here in Utah. We can't wait to take Quinn to the pool for the first time and also just have a great weekend. As weekend warriors and home owners we seem to have projects anyways every weekend but Memorial day always brings out the big guns. Our plans for home improvement black friday involve turning on the sprinkler system, crossing our fingers all is operating well with that. Stain some chairs, maybe the deck, plant some flowers, bed, bath and beyond if we have time....
For my first Mothers day Bren's gift to me was redoing our flower garden in the front of the house. The big project this weekend is getting the metal edging installed. In the meantime we are hoping some time with friends, cocktails and good times will also be had. All in all should be awesome.
Everything has been great, lil man continues to grow at an astonishing speed. He is now putting everything in his mouth, holding his own bottle and finding his voice. We continue to still be in bliss that this is all real. Exciting things coming this summer, our great friends Sara and Zane are due for their baby boy in a month. The three amigos will be complete Lexi, Sara and myself all had or are having baby boys within a year and a half of each other. Lucky girls we are! We are hosting Sara's baby shower at my house next weekend, can't wait.
We hope everyone also has great welcome to Summer 2014 weekends or home improvement black fridays!

Bren, Alyssa, Quinn

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Best Birthday Ever!

Being welcomed into my thirties usually might be a little depressing but honestly this was the best birthday ever because I got the best gift this year, becoming a mom! Its a rainy, grey morning here in Utah and the whole family is all cuddled up in our bed, drinking coffee and hanging out. Life is good.
We have had a whirlwind last few weeks. Going back to work has been crazy, we have been so lucky though to have our Amy who takes care of little man. I think she loves him just as much as we do. I sent out birth announcements right before finishing maternity leave, after reading about pinterest I mailed one to the white house and actually got a response, its pretty cool! I included a picture down below.
April held lots of travel. We went to Jamaica with Bren's work for Presidents club. It was an amazing trip, beyond anything we would ever be able to do on our own. The resort was a five star Iberro star resort in Jamaica, all the food and drinks were included. Our room had an amazing view down the coast and we pretty much just laid on the beach all day. On top of that, every night in our room they surprised us with gifts ranging from snorkel sets to a mini Jawbone Jambox and even a Tiffany necklace for me, we really were spoiled! Lucky for us Grandma Kathy flew to town and took care of the little man, I think they both had a great time too.
For Easter this year we took Quinn down to Florida to meet his Great Grandparents Bud and Barb. Lucky for us Grandpa Tom and also Aunt Laura and Uncle Mike were in town. It was also really special that our flower girl Rowan stayed in town too to cuddle and meet Quinn. He got to put his toes in the ocean for the first time, some beach walks and a boat ride. It was a great trip, the first Easter I have ever spent in a swimsuit.
Back to wonderful reality now and getting ready for his baptism and the baby shower for my friend Sara. We are sad our really good friends Andy, Lexi and Everett are moving to Denver in a week. We are happy for them for the opportunity but sad to see them go. I guess some Colorado vacations will be in order in the future.

Alyssa, Brendan and Quinn

Jamaica on our balcony

one of my new favorite pictures of little man

A picture on the beach before dinner in Jamaica

Grandma Kathy reading to Quinn

Kathy took POTD (pictures of the day) for us

As you can see Quinn had an amazing time

Lucky Grandson

I can't believe he is three months already and half way to four!

Lovely cousin Rowan meeting Quinn for the first time

Great Grandma and Grandpa with Quinn

Florida pictures

Aunt Laura got all snuggles at the Pink Elephant in Boca

Bren said this is one of his favorite pics

Easter picture

Lucky little bunny

On his first boat ride, borrowing cousin Kara'spink life jacket

The response from the White house