Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

I am a bad blogger and did not get around to updating in April. I was too busy celebrating my birthday! We had a great month and really enjoyed the ending of the ski season. The last day will probably be one of my most memorable as I finally was able to land jumps at the hill and Tommy landed a rodeo five (a huge jump). At the end of the day we bid the hill farewell sitting in lawn chairs in the parking lot, enjoying a beer, getting a goggle tan and watching people throw down on the huge jumps. It was epic, as was my adorable goggle tan. Most days on the hill started with a hearty breakfast, a full day on the hill and picking up groceries in all of our ski gear. Usually ending by making a yummy dinner and watching a movie with a roaring fire going in the fireplace. It was a good winter not to mention all of the snow that has still not melted.
Easter was great Tommy's girlfriend Brandy was in town and we had some other friends over for a BBQ. We made Tom White's famous ribs and just enjoyed playoff hockey and good company. We feel so lucky that we have good friends and family here that we can enjoy holidays with.
Monday was my 28th birthday and a great day. It has been an awesome year and I just have felt so lucky in how everything has worked out. I'm so thrilled for Brendan with school, Park City, my job and just how much I have fallen in love with Utah. The weekend prior we celebrated my birthday by restaurant hopping, Easy Street for cocktails and appetizers, Oishu Sushi for dinner and High west for whiskey flights and truffles for dessert. Yes, life is good. All topped off by all the good wishes and phone calls from family and friends. I can't wait to see what this year holds...
Brendan got a great internship with a company based in London and trying to expand over into the US. They have an office in Park City and he will be overseeing a group of undergrad students and leading projects. It is a great fit for him both for international business experience as well as allowing him to attend school at the same time. He is taking a few credits this summer.
Next weekend Tommy graduates and Tom and Kathy are coming to town. We are planning on going down to Zion and enjoying some hiking and nice weather. We also started another new hobby for this year, we are getting mountain bikes with our tax return! I cannot wait! We hope this month brings everyone joy as hopefully the weather finally warms and flowers bloom!
Alyssa and Brendan

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Alyssa!! Sorry I didn't call or send a message sooner, we only got home from the hospital a few days before your b-day and those first few days home were a bit challenging! =)

    Glad to hear that you guys are loving Utah. It is a beautiful place. Have a great time in Zion. I only drove through there once, but have always wanted to go back. We miss you guys a ton and hope to still come and visit later this year. Talk to you soon!
