My last blog posts was one of those posts where you just get real. I realized afterwards as the steady flow of text messages and worried phone calls came in that I often don't let my guard down enough. It's good to know your loved and wonderfully supported more then you ever expect. I missed all of February for a blog post. 2016 has been one hell of a year so far! Being the smug parent I am, Kinsale hadn't come down with a bad cold all of this past fall. We paid dearly for it when literally my kids (both of them at the same time) have been pretty much sick almost all of 2016 so far. Cold after coughing after flu after fever. Let's throw in some teething for good measure! It's been rough but thank goodness everyone seems to be finally getting to a healthier place. Kinsale is now nine months old and bossy big brother makes sure she knows that as a two year old everything is His or Mine as he likes to remind the whole household.
I chose this blog post title because this statement has been my mantra to take me to new places. I love my new job (granted it's not so new as it will be a year at the end of April) but everything this year with my current board of directors this year is new to me. I had my first legislation session this year and it can honestly only be described as "baptism by fire". Long story short a large part of my job is advocating for my doctors and their profession, lobbying is one aspect of this. We do hire two contract lobbyists but they have multiple clients. Without giving too much away we had a multi million dollar locally based company run a bill against us this year that if it had passed would not only have seriously impacted my Doctors here in Utah but would have impacted Doctors all over the United States and had serious health implications. We literally had all eyes on us here in Utah, me specifically to help engage and lead my board and association to fight this and fight it hard. I realized that everything moves extremely quick in the public service sector (they don't like to call it politics, it sounds too dirty) and for almost the entire month of February I was on call at all times. Honestly emails would have to go out on a drop of a hat or emergencies conference calls would occur without almost any advance notice. My kids would go to bed at night to the sound of the voting board because we were following the session live to make sure nothing sneaky came up. It was craziness, it was super highs and frustrating lows. We ran a grass roots campaign that kicked ass. We showed up at the capital day after day with doctors again and again pulling legislators out of session to hear our voices and plead our stance on our bill. I didn't even know what a grass roots effort or a campaign was until three months ago but I can confidently tell you now, I not only know what it is, I have successfully completed one! By some miracle, we won this time against a million dollar lobbying effort to thwart us. I didn't pop the champagne until Friday March 11th because session ended at midnight on the 10th but it was a great feeling to know you can impact something so much bigger then yourself. I realized our legislators and senators have an extremely hard position because not only are they public service volunteers with day jobs here in Utah (we have a working group and short session at 46 days) but every single bill (there are tons of bills) have two different parties both passionate about their views and why they should be right. Amendments are made, compromises occur and everyone just wants to be heard. I definitely will continue to be active in this part of my job as I have seen just how much one group can truly make a difference. I would encourage others too if you find yourself frustrated with the system, volunteer, get involved. Do more then just complain, take some sort of action even if it starts with a letter to your representatives.
Enough of politics. None of this would be possible without my Bren and my babies. Seriously my husband kicks ass and between him, my lovely Wendy (she's like a second Mommy to my babies) and my fairy God Mother Trudi we made it through. I have lessons for next year which might involve making my lovely retired Mother move to Utah for the entire legislative session and also hire a cleaning lady too. My mom sent me the above picture of the wizard of Oz the day after session ended. I think I need to get it framed and bedazzled in my office.
Onward to spring thoughts, walking babies, bike rides, spring skiing, glasses of wine on the patio watching the sunset and enjoying it all!
Alyssa Loo Hoo
Two of my very favorite boys!
Pony on Gaga!