Wow what an overwhelming and crazy month. By the end of this weekend it will mark the third weekend in a row that Quinn and I have not slept at home and also mark his 16th flight in his just nine months of life. No one can say we don't make an effort to get out with this baby. The month started great when we had some friends over for a fall party. It was kind of hilarious because literally almost everyone had a kid or baby with them. Different stages of life, first everyone gets married then they all start having kids. I like it, lots of celebrations this month. We celebrated two weddings this month one a few weeks back our friend Sara and also one this weekend in Florida Brendan's cousin Andrews wedding tomorrow. We also celebrated my amazing Grandma Irene and her passing. At 102 it was a celebration of a life lived overflowing with grace and enthusiasm. Quinn and I flew home and got to meet and see lots of the Brecke clan. We celebrated his first Halloween today by dressing as puff the magic dragon for the puff wedding rehearsal dinner. He has been a trooper through all this traveling and sleeping in different time zones. The little guy is so close to walking and in turn keeps getting bumps and bruises from his attempts at balancing. Sure do love him and all of our wonderful family. In a way it feels a little like Christmas came early this year for all the time we have gotten to spend with our amazing loved ones. Can't wait for Christmas either, I will try to do a post before turkey day!
Bren, Alyssa, Quinn