We finally finished the nursery a few weeks back and are excited to share all the fun details. Early on we decided to do an antique, adventure is out there type theme. It came together so much more then our expectations. Enjoy!
This is the view from the door, we took our hideous mauve room and painted it a grey/blue and a hunter green accent wall. Most of the furniture is a dark espresso wood color.
Some cool details is this is our canoe bookshelf. The shower Aunt Laura threw me had a book theme so we were able to fill this in nicely. The bike trunk is filled with toys for the little guy.
Family is very important to Brendan and I so we were lucky enough to get a photo mobile for a shower gift, I recently got all the photos on it to show the little man. We also picked up this sweet map at Homegoods that matches the theme of the room.
This corner has the rocking chair, we didn't want a glider but more a chair we might use elsewhere around the house afterwards. We got lucky and got the last one of these at Buy Buy baby before they discontinued them. Bren also hung the airplanes in the corner and the cool magnet map that was used as shower decorations.
This is the changing table, we just used a regular dresser and added a changing pad. The baskets above have all the goods needed for changing the man. The shelf above that has a train, sailboat, a big ship, a globe and a car. These were decorations from the showers again.
The handsome Daddy to be!
This is the paddle above the book shelf, it has a Wild jersey for our favorite hockey team, a painting my Godmother made us and a "up" onsies that my Brother Ross drew.
Also right after Thanksgiving we did maternity photos. We had Darren from Darren Solomon Photography come out to our house to do the photos, they turned out awesome. Continuing with our UP adventure theme we got a huge bouquet of balloons we included too. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.
We are excited for our first Christmas in Utah!
Brendan, Alyssa and Baby White