Another great month in 2013. I think I love this time of year because during the bluesy winter months it is always when we seem to get an abundance of family and friends in town to ski. I like that tradeoff. After my awesome best friend Al and her cool husband Ben were here we followed it up with Brendan's parents and Aunt and Uncle Laura and Mike in town staying with us. I still pinch myself that we as home owners have a house big enough to fit all of these people and plus some.
When everyone was here we also had an engagement party for Tommy and Brandy, 2013 is going to be a great year with their wedding coming up in August. We made burgers and survived the winter storm that always seems to grace us when we decide to have a "party". I think I may quit calling it "parties" so mother nature decides not to add her embellishments.
We had a great time and enjoyed some good skiing at both Solitude and Canyons. I love snowboarding and just sharing in a good activity with family. This has been a monumental snowboarding year for me because I have family been to different places besides PCMR! Both Solitude and Snowbird are fantastic and to be enjoyed. Brendan and I also had a back country outing by Alta yesterday that was great in the sunshine.
Other big news was Baby Mayhem arrived, our friends Andy and Lexi had their gorgeous baby boy Everett Andrew May a little over a week ago. He could not be a cuter, sweeter baby boy! They make it all look so easy, last night they had all our friends over. It was neat watching everyone love this sweet little boy and just reminded me how lucky we are to have the amazing friends here. I hope the next few years ushers in more babies and this new changes in all of our lives.
We also are in the season of Lent again, as Catholics I think Brendan I both try hard every year to pay attention to God and refocus our busy lives on the renewing of Easter. We actually both gave up Facebook for Lent this year. I know this sounds lame but for both of us this was a challenge to cut some technology out. I would find myself checking facebook way too often on my phone and just feeling too connected. It is refreshing to disconnect and not care. Unfortunately I did not get a chance to host my Fat Tuesday party again this year prior to Ash Wednesday as it was the same day everyone left and I was tired. Maybe I will have a post Lent cocktail party.
For Valentines day we had our annual terrible card competition. Brendan smoked me with a Justin Bieber card that not only sang Baby but lit up with the words inside that lit up saying "listen" the front of the card asked if it was love at first sight or love at first listen in the inside. It was bad....
More guests in town soon, my house tulips, daffodils and Hyacinths are about to bloom and I can feel spring in the air!
Alyssa and Brendan